VerTerra Dinnerware Pretty and Earth-friendly Skills for Living | Aug. 16, 2009 | FROM THE WEB
I first saw these disposable plates in the September issue of Fast Company magazine. I was so intrigued that I went to Whole Foods to buy a package of eight for $6.50. As a single person living alone and a new greenie, these plates would be a God-send for me if I did not like eating off of the china dishes I found at a flea market years ago. However, I have a friend whose dishes are those eco-unfriendly Styrofoam plates. These dishes were made for people like her. And anyone else who uses disposable plates but wants to do their ‘green’ share. They are definately eco-friendly and good for parties as well as “limited†daily use. VerTerra plates are beautiful, stylish and have a good weight to them; and they are supposed to last through about 20 uses and washings. Plus you can put them in the micro-wave and the fridge. I have not washed one of these plates 20 times, nor I have micro-waved one, but I will continue using and testing them. Believe it or not this dinnerware is made from sanitized, steamed and shaped fallen leaves. How is that for eco-friendly? Once you see the plates you will get past the picture that may be dancing in your head. Visit the VerTerra site at VerTerra.